SSEN: BE is one of the four federation schools of special educational needs (SSEN). These SSEN schools form part of the Student Support Services Directorate in the Statewide Services Division. The other three SSEN schools are:
- Disability;
- Medical and Mental Health; and
- Sensory
SSEN: BE has responsibility and oversight for the delivery and monitoring of services and support for students with extreme, complex and challenging behaviours across the public school system. Services are delivered by SSEN:BE staff in Engagement Centres located in each education region throughout the state and from Statewide Service based in Padbury.
The Midland Learning Academy is also part of SSEN:BE and is a small school model for highly disengaged students who are no longer participating in, and are unlikely to re-engage in mainstream schooling.
SSEN: BE coordinates a continuum of support with schools for students through a Request for Assistance process. Requests are prioritised based on the identified needs of schools and students.
This continuum of support may include:
- Professional learning to support school staff with student engagement and behaviour. Professional learning may be facilitated from Engagement Centre staff or from the Classroom Management Strategies (CMS) and WA Positive Behaviour Support (WA PBS) team
- Consultative support for schools needing additional assistance with planning for those students with very complex needs
- Direct support for school staff to assist with plan implementation and/or direct support to students as part of a planned intervention. An Intervention Plan developed in collaboration with school staff outlines the outcomes for student support.
A collaborative approach is used, engaging school staff, parents/carers, and other relevant intra- and interagency partners in problem clarification and intervention planning. The expectation is schools make available time and resources to engage in collaborative processes.
Each school retains responsibility for the case management of individual students who receive support from SSEN: BE.
There is a guarantee of service to students excluded from our public schools and those exiting a custodial sentence:
- Engagement Centres collaborate with regions to prioritise support for planning and transition for excluded students.
- SSEN: BE Youth Transition Coordinators (YTCs) prioritise support for planning and transition of students exiting a custodial sentence to appropriate educational pathways. YTCs work within the requirements of the Young Offenders Act and the Children and Community Services Act.
Access to services
A Principal or delegate contacts SSEN: BE on (08) 9402 6200 to lodge a Request for Assistance (RFA). Upon receipt of the Request, School Principals will receive a Case Preparation Form to guide the assessment process to ascertain the most appropriate support.
Classroom Management Strategies (CMS) is accessed by completing a regional expression of interest sent to schools twice a year, or on direct request from CMS Program Coordinators.
All WA Positive Behaviour Support (WA PBS) services are accessed through submitting a RFA. Schools are then contacted directly by the relevant SSEN:BE personnel.
Integration with other statewide student support services and regions
SSEN:BE is part of the Student Support Services Directorate in the Statewide Services Division. This Directorate integrates school and student support services across the domains of behaviour, attendance, disability, learning support needs, medical and mental health, child protection and social and emotional learning.
When a school lodges a Request for Assistance, SSEN: BE staff will seek information regarding the school’s planning and the involvement of the School Psychology Service, and/or other regional and statewide services. Direct consultation with these services may then be sought to assist decision making and a collaborative approach developed, for subsequent intervention planning and service delivery.
The School Principal can contact their regional/local Engagement Centre’s Program Coordinator for queries about current service. For information about or discussion regarding the SSEN: BE scope of services and operations, an Associate Principal for the relevant region and/or the Principal, SSEN: BE can be contacted on 9402 6200.